Hi Church, 

The weeks turn around so quickly, and here we are one third of the year has passed from us. But what I am excited about is a very real sense that as we venture further into the year our sense of encounter with Holy Spirit and the life changing power of His word in us goes deeper and deeper. He is answering our prayer for the more and we are growing in grace and wisdom as a result. 

Ross Nancarrow blessed us again with a powerful word last Sunday.  Addressing the question what happens when you hit the wall and your game plan goes south. What should you do. Psalm 61 helps to answer this question.  Written by David when he is on the run from King Saul.  David expresses the truth of what he is enduring as Saul hunts him down.  He says his soul is faint. He says he is crying out to God from the ends of the earth. 

He gives the sense that he is exhausted and has no where left to go but to go. 

In these time of hitting the wall we can have one of three responses. 1. Cover Up, and Deny nothing bad is happening. 2. Have defeatist mentality. Blame everyone else and become the victim. Or 3. Take it to Jesus. 

David chose 3. Take me to the Rock that is higher than I. 

When you’re exhausted and bewildered with life do you have a friend, do you have someone who can point you back to the Rock of your salvation? Be sure, be certain, that regardless of what you feel, God does hear your prayers. He will be your strength when you surrender all to him. Let others help you, let your faith rise to believe that God can hide you in His strong tower of love and restore you.  

Ross shared from his own personal experience that having hit the bottom, God was there. Jesus was there to meet Him and bring him back stronger, more determined and blessed like never before.  

“For you, God, have heard my vows;

 you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” (Psalm 61:5)

This is the promise of the word of God for all those who put their trust in Him. 

So for all those who are struggling right now with whatever circumstance causing you to be faint, hold on to the Rock. His promise is victory over the enemy. Be encouraged God is for you. Let your heart sing of His goodness. 

Another great week coming up with our friend and church mentor Ps Peter McHugh speaking into the life of Grace Church. Please make it a priority to be present across the different ministry points. As you are able, we encourage you to be generous, as we bless Peter with a love offering this Sunday for His time with us.

The Church office will be closed this Thursday as Amanda and I will be at a funeral in Sydney. 

Rejoice Church as you drink from the well springs of life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Love Ps Greg and Amanda