Hi Church,

The year is closing out and no doubt many of us are tired and looking forward to holidays. The service over the weekend was encouraging. Randolph Kubicek gave an encouraging word reminding us to not be complacent in these uncertain days but be diligent and alert to what God is doing and what the Enemy is trying to do. I can also give testimony that the words of knowledge Randloph gave at the beginning of the service were responded to after and had great impact.

Back to Randolph’s message, you know the enemy of our soul always tries to deceive us with lies and doubts. But Randolph showed us through the scriptures that we need to Wake up, Stand Up, Speak Up, Build Up and Look up.

Some key phrases spoken,

·       You are robbing yourself if you are not in God’s word daily.

·       Find out what pleases the Lord and do it.

·       There are two ways to stand. On your knees in prayer and as you move forward in Him.

·       To release a miracle, do what Peter and John did at the Gate Beautiful: -

1.     Use the power of the Spirit.

2.     Use the name of Jesus.

3.     Release your faith.

4.     Speak with boldness.

5.     Know the Name of Jesus is above every other name.

One of the key scriptures he referenced was Eph 5:1-16 especially verses 13-16.

“Wake up sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

This is the type of people God wants in this world. People who are alert and awake, diligent and vigilant to reflect the glory of the Lord on to all those around us. Thank you, Randolph.

This week will be a family service with a Christmas theme, and Susie Wood will be our speaker for the Sunday.  Enjoy the Christmas treats for morning tea after.

Amanda and I will be returning from Canberra as we celebrate the wedding of Peter our Son to his fiancé Amelia Raymond. We give thanks to the Lord for his guiding hand and his blessing on their lives.  

Christmas will be celebrated on the 24th of Dec at Church with carols and Kids talk and a great get together. Please bring a plate ready to serve of Christmas treats and scrumptious food to share for the celebration.

New Years Eve will be the following Sunday. The plan will be to make it a Giving Thanks Testimony Day. It will be a time to reflect on the year that has been and declare the goodness of God, big story or small so we can all be encouraged together.   

As we finish the year I want to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make it possible for us to gather each week and declare God’s goodness, encounter him through worship and meet together as family. Your small but regular act of service is a blessing to so many. A such we can say we have a house of prayer, a house of praise, a house of miracles, salvation and hope for all those who desire it.

Merry Christmas and Blessed new year to come.            Love Greg and Amanda.