Hi Church,


Sorry its taken so long to get a message back to you through e-news and my usual blog, but I’ve been flat out like the proverbial lizard drinking. Thank you to Suzie Wood for sharing a great word last Sunday whilst we were away.

Why have I been flat out? There are two reasons:-  

One, a wedding is a very mentally and emotionally draining and, when you travel interstate, time consuming business. It’s exhausting, but worthwhile. Thank you for everyone’s prayers for a beautiful day. It was perfect and the Bride and Groom were sent off in love and honour and truly two families were celebrated and one new one emerged through the service and beyond the reception gathering. 

Secondly, the whole family by the time we returned Sunday night were diving headlong into Covid Symptoms which were confirmed by tests on Monday. And so we have been smashed with tiredness and sickness and the usual aches and pains that come with it whilst still trying to organise Christmas and Church life. 

So unfortunately, I will not bring the word this week. But once again our good friend Randolph will carry faith for this Sunday to help us celebrate and consider Christmas well.  If I’m well enough I will service lead. Deb will bring some joyful Carols and Bree Brown has a kids yarn to tell. And of course, there will be lots of food to share and fellowship to enjoy straight after the service. Please bring a plate to share.

You know, the difficulties we sometimes face in life provoked me to thoughts around Mary and Joseph as they faced their future. Once they were both charged with carrying the Son of God literally as a word of faith, then as an unborn baby and then as a new born, in a hostile environment, Mary and Joseph faced constant challenges, constant disruption and contention.  Sometimes we think when coming to Jesus all will be made well and all will go well. But not necessary so. Mary and Joseph had to contend for every promise of God along the way. 

I’m encourage by them, by their confession and obedience and their desire to not swerve away from the destination no matter how hard it became. Through their faith, the lamb of God that would take away the sins of the world entered our world and grew and was nurtured and protected till just at the right time, His own voice was heard, and the way of salvation was known.

What has God laid upon your heart to carry through every season? What word has He spoken that needs to grow and develop through faith and be protected despite the opposition? Sometimes you may just want to quietly walk away from the responsibility, the destiny God has called you to.  Well don’t give up. Trust and obey for there is no other way. He knows its hard. So look to Him the author and the perfector of your faith. Draw from His strength and He will see you through. 

Mary took that promise from conception to the cross, from witnessing the empty grave to the ascension of her son into the heavens and then the coming of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. She determined not to miss a moment of life with Jesus…..What about us?   

Let’s pause this Christmas and make sure we don’t miss a moment with Jesus, let us continue our journey in Him till the very end. 

Merry Christmas Church and a Happy blessed New Year from my family to yours. 


The Church Office will be Closed from 25th of Dec till the 14th of Jan.  Pastors will be on holidays during this time. Emergency calls can be made to my mobile.  Volunteer Pastors will be available through Kerry Medway and Jane Bax at various times. 

A Thanksgiving Service will be available on the 31st of Dec, come ready to testify of Gods goodness for 2023 and pray for 2024. 

January will have various speakers and smaller worship teams and no Childrens Ministry as we attempt to give everyone a rest as best we can over the January period.  

Thanks for your encouragement and support in 2023 Church and I look forward to the journey together in 2024. 

See you there 

Love Greg and Amanda