Dear Church,

Guess what! You are engaged! Holy Spirit is God’s promise to you. In this engagement period, God wants to know you and be known by you. God wants to know if your heart is truly for Him. This is the heart of spirit and truth worship. 

“But the time is coming-indeed it's here now- when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23-24, NLT)

There is a gap between who you are and who God calls you to be. What do you do with the gap? I believe this is where spirit and truth worship comes in. 

I see a model of spirit and truth worship in 1 John 1:5-9. In this scripture, we see God inviting us to bring everything about us into the light as He is in the light. We read that in accepting His invitation we experience increased fellowship with God when He sees our desire really is to live life His way. God will then cleanse us from all unrighteousness by the blood of Jesus. 

The life of a God-worshiper is a life of increasing sanctification. Right now there are ways you live your life that are in fellowship with God (Thank you, Jesus!). At the same time there are ways, attitudes, bents in your life that are in disfellowship with the ways of God. Holy Spirit and the word of God provide a pathway forward: a beautiful opportunity to honestly bring these areas before God, and exchange them for the light of God, experiencing increased fellowship with Abba Father. 

I see the spiritual activity of our church increasing. I see spiritual chains falling as each of us engages with God in spirit and in truth. I see the Bride preparing for everything Jesus promised. Spirit and truth worship is not to be avoided: it’s something to embrace. This is the year we move closer: knowing God and being known. 

Be blessed to walk more closely with Abba Father. 

In Love and Grace, 


Debbie-Ann Bax

Worship & Creative Pastor